Monday, April 25, 2011

Katie's Getting Married!

this shower was so fun to plan! katie has such a fun personality and style, so we (Sandy Mom, Becky, Jessi and I) had fun incorporating things that reflect katie (kites, flowers and fun fabrics)! Enjoy!

Gina+Baby Girl Sherbet Colored Shower

it was an absolute blast planning the baby shower for gina+aaron's little girl. this is such a fun, loving family, and their daughter is gonna be too cute for words!

brynne and deett designed these amazingly cute invites, and then brynne letterpressed them. cutest invites to date.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

oh, bows!

feeling antsy+crafy=katie looking on craft blogs for a big chunk of the day.

i bookmark website after website, but hardly ever get around to making anything.

well, yesterday, that all changed. i was finally inspired and made something: felt bows, from sew gorgeous.

here is my final product:
they were so easy to make! i can't wait to make more colors, sizes and add little special touches to each one!

want one? tell me size and color!


long beach breakfast tour no. 7

this grand day, was alex's birthday, and surprising was her week choice of where to eat. because it was her birthday, she chose to go back to her favorite place: the coffee cup cafe. :) i definitely liked it better this second time of eating here--mostly because i got something i liked. :)

something else that stood out about this restaurant was that we had a guest with us! daniel!
so that made it fun!

all i can say is:
-it was fun to celebrate alex's birthday here.
-i liked the restaurant this second time :)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

long beach breakfast tour no. 6

feeling like staying close to home today, we went to schooner or later in the alamitos marina. (you just gotta look at the great animation on their website). it was fun because we got to ride bikes to breakfast. despite the flat tire on the bike alex rode, we got there in a quick fashion.
what i liked about this place was the view/atmosphere. i just really enjoyed sitting outside and enjoying the view of the marina and the boats. :)
the food was good too! I got an omelette :) or is that alex's plate? i don't really know...can't remember.
things i liked:
-good food
-beautiful day
-bike ride distance